Using systems neurology as a new interdisciplinary approach, SyNergy researchers
investigate the shared disease mechanisms of neurovascular, neurodegenerative,
and neuro-immunological diseases, and on this basis develop novel diagnostic and
therapeutic approaches.
SyNergy has been funded as an Excellence Cluster by the
German Research Foundation (DFG) since 2012.
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Index of GitHub Repositories
Here you can explore GitHub repositories associated with SyNergy projects, and links to their related publications.
For more information on our research and publications, visit the SyNergy website .
▶ Transcriptomics Projects
Adult neural stem cell activation in mice is regulated by the day/night cycle and intracellular calcium dynamics
CD8+ T cells induce interferon-responsive oligodendrocytes and microglia in white matter aging
Parkinson's disease motor symptoms rescue by CRISPRa‐reprogramming astrocytes into GABAergic neurons
Phagocyte-mediated synapse removal in cortical neuroinflammation is promoted by local calcium accumulation
Shared inflammatory glial cell signature after stab wound injury
Spatial Transcriptomics-correlated Electron Microscopy maps transcriptional and ultrastructural responses to brain injury
T cell-mediated microglial activation triggers myelin pathology in a mouse model of amyloidosis
T cells modulate the microglial response to brain ischemia
CD74 is a functional MIF receptor on activated CD4+ T cells
Distinct molecular profiles of skull bone marrow in health and neurological disorders
High-calorie diets uncouple hypothalamic oxytocin neurons from a gut-to-brain satiation pathway via κ-opioid signaling
Twin study identifies early immunological and metabolic dysregulation of CD8+ T cells in multiple sclerosis
▶ Proteomics Projects
Defining the Adult Neural Stem Cell Niche Proteome Identifies Key Regulators of Adult Neurogenesis
Mapping autophagosome contents identifies interleukin-7 receptor-alpha as a key cargo modulating CD4+ T cell proliferation
Met/HGFR triggers detrimental reactive microglia in TBI
Proteomic and lipidomic profiling of demyelinating lesions identifies fatty acids as modulators in lesion recovery
Targeting the TCA cycle can ameliorate widespread axonal energy deficiency in neuroinflammatory lesions
▶ Multi-omics Projects
Multiomic ALS signatures highlight subclusters and sex differences suggesting the MAPK pathway as therapeutic target
Multi-omic landscaping of human midbrains identifies disease-relevant molecular targets and pathways in advanced-stage Parkinson's disease
Diet triggers specific responses of hypothalamic astrocytes in time and region dependent manner
▶ Imaging Projects
Amyloid-associated increases in soluble tau relate to tau aggregation rates and cognitive decline in early Alzheimer’s disease
▶ Tutorials/Additional Resources Projects
Theis Lab (Helmholtz Munich)
MATLAB Tutorials
PSMD (marker for cerebral small vessel disease)
Nanoscale Hub: Analysis pipelines